Der ehemalige Planetkey Dynamics-Akteur Franz ‚oddo‘ Geiger hat in AYB Esports eine neue Organisation gefunden. Der ESL Meisterschafts-Neuling gab auf seiner Internetpräsenz bekannt, dass man oddo als Ersatz für Bernhard ‚xavi‘ Aigner holt, der aus persönlichen Gründen aus dem aktiven Lineup zurücktritt und die Rolle des Stand-Ins einnehmen wird. Mit der Verpflichtung Geigers sichert sich das Team nach eigenen Aussagen eine Menge Erfahrung, die helfen soll in der deutschen Szene weiter Fuß zu fassen.
It was up until today where we have to announce our first roster change, and I would like to take the given opportunity to thank Bernhard for his hard work, and wish him all the best for his private life. In addition to what I just said, I want to point out that this change is not happening due to bad performances, but because Bernhard himself wanted it to happen. We’ve been scouting for suiting replacements and ultimately found Franz. He participated in a lot of finals of offline events, and therefore brings an enormous amount of experience to the table which will definitely help the team.
There have been a lot of changes recently which affected my overall abilities and skillset. I decided to team up with my best friends to eventually get motivated again and have fun playing the game. The chemistry was already looking good in the first few games where I was a stand-in, and I’m confident that this is the right move to get back in shape and regain my old form. On the other hand, I’m looking to contribute a lot of my knowledge I gathered in the past years to not only integrate it into our game, but also into our preparations. We will be working hard to be relevant again in the german competitive scene.

Bernhard ‚xavi‘ Aigner (Stand-In)
Bildquelle: AYB Esports

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