Counter Logic Gaming entlässt Dardoch – Omargod übernimmt den Posten des Junglers

26.07.2017 21:46

imageNach gerade einmal sieben Spielwochen verlässt Joshua ‚Dardoch‘ Hartnett Counter Logic Gaming. Als Grund gab die Organisation an, dass Dardochs Einstellung in Bezug auf Teamarbeit nicht mit der des restlichen Teams vereinbar sei. Als neuen Jungler gibt CLG Omar ‚Omargod‘ Amin bekannt, der vom Tochterteam Counter Logic Gaming Academy herüberwechselt. Omargod spielte bereits in der siebten Woche der NA LCS als startender Jungler.

Statement Tony ‚Zikz‘ Gray, Head Coach

Dardoch helped reignite the competitive passion within the team. When he joined the team and worked with them throughout the bootcamp, I saw a desire from the team that I had not seen in a long time. I am sad that things did not go as well as we expected, but I learned a lot from the time I worked with Dardoch. Although he unfortunately could not align with the team’s culture, I believe he is still a strong mechanical player and will be able to find a place on another team.

Statement Zaqueri ‚Aphromoo‘ Black, Support und Team Captain

Omar is hungry for success and I’m glad he has been added to our roster. We have four weeks to train him up to the level expected of him, and I have no doubt that he’ll be able to reach that level with our team.

Fabian Krudewig