Nachdem FaZe Clan erst kürzlich den CIS-Star Ladislav ‚GuardiaN‘ Kovács von Natus Vincere verpflichtet hat, folgt nun der nächste Star-Spieler. Wie bereits vermutet wird der mehrfache Major-Sieger Olof ‚olofmeister‘ Kajbjer von nun an für das europäische Mix-Team spielen. Dafür muss sich Fabien ‚kioShiMa‘ Fiey verabschieden. Auf der Seite des schwedischen Teams Fnatic wird in Zukunft Maikil ‚Golden‘ Selim als In-Game-Leader spielen. Golden gilt als großes Talent der schwedischen Szene und war bisher Kapitän des Academy Teams von Fnatic.
Statement Robert ‚RobbaN‘ Dahlström – Coach FaZe Clan
I’m super excited to have olofmeister on the team. It’s a guy that have everything that you want. During my time in FaZe there have been a lot of roster changes trying to find a lineup that have the same goals and in the same time have good chemistry, we now have that. Now it’s all about practice hard and find the best way to use our players. Thank you kioShiMa for many great memories together including one trophy and a big welcome to Olof!
Statement Olof ‚olofmeister‘ Kajbjer – Spieler FaZe Clan
To FaZe and my dans, I am very hapy to annnounce that I will be teaming up with the guys at FaZe Clan for the next chapter in my gaming career. As tough of a decision it was to leave Fnatic, a team that I will always carry with me in my heart, as easy it was to decide on the team I wanted to join – FaZe. FaZe is an incredible organization with a fantastic fans and above all a super talented and hungry team with players I admire, view as friends and share the same commitment and goals in becoming the worlds best at counter-strike. I have not felt this sense of excitment and positive nervousness in a long time. Today is the start of something new. See you in game and in the arena.
FaZe Clan-Lineup
Håvard ‚rain‘ Nygaard
Finn ‚karrigan‘ Andersen
Nikola ‚NiKo‘ Kovac
Ladislav ‚GuardiaN‘ Kovács
Olof ‚olofmeister‘ Kajbjer
Robert ‚RobbaN‘ Dahlström (Coach)
Dennis ‚dennis‘ Edman
Robin ‚flusha‘ Rönnquist
Jesper ‚JW‘ Wecksell
Freddy ‚KRIMZ‘ Johansson
Maikil ‚Golden‘ Selim
Jimmy ‚Jumpy‘ Berndtsson

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