Fnatic: olofmeister macht eine Pause – Plessen springt ein

08.04.2016 18:48

imageDie DreamHack Masters in Malmö musste fnatic in Folge der Handgelenkbeschwerden von Olof ‚olofm‘ Kajbjer bereits absagen und nun hat Jesper ‚jw‘ Wecksell auf seinem Twitchkanal bestätigt, dass die Schweden einen Ersatzmann für ihren angeschlagenen Spieler im Auge haben. Wie lange olofm ausfallen wird ist unklar und am Samstag startet die 3,5 Millionen Euro schwere eSports Championship Series, bei der das Team eventuell teilnehmen wird.

Mittlerweile hat Fnatic Licht in das Dunkel gebracht und den Spieler der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Es handelt sich um Niclas ‚PlesseN‘ Plesse. Ein eher unbekannter, aber talentierter Spieler. Fnatic, das bei der MLG Columbus im Viertelfinale gegen Astralis rausflog, will schnell wieder in die Spur finden. Vor dem Major sicherte man sich noch sechs LAN-Titel nacheinander. Klar sei laut Jesper ‚jw‘ Wecksell aber auch, dass der Ersatzspieler nur so lange spiele, bis Olofmeister wieder fit ist.

Statement Fnatic

Olof has had troubles with his hand for a while now and as the pain increased in the last few weeks, we will take no long term risks just to see short term success. Olof will stay away from playing at all until he is fully recovered. We will, of course, hope for the best but need to prepare for the worst, as we cannot simply put the whole team on hold or find short-term solutions only to put all pressure on Olof to return as soon as possible.

Because of our uncertainty regarding how long a potential stand-in would be needed, we would not want to pick a player from an already upcoming or successful team. Therefore, a lot of established players were removed from our potential recruits and it all came down to a few names of players that we felt had nothing to lose and everything to win. Players that are young, hungry and have great potential.

Niclas ‘Plessen’ Plessen has shown great potential and good knowledge of the game during times where we’ve played with and against him in FPL and we feel that he has what it takes to play at the highest level. We did not want to find a player that would take on every role that Olof had but a player that could grow with the team. We will give Plessen a lot of room and work around him so that he feels comfortable and can reach his potential as fast as possible.

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