Fnatic startet durch mit Academy Team

21.01.2015 08:36

Vor wenigen Stunden erreichte uns eine weitere News aus dem Hause von Fnatic, welches in letzter Zeit einige Änderungen durchlebte. Laut eines Facebook-Posts von Fnatic, startet die Organisation nun zusätzlich zu ihrem Team, welches an der LCS teilnimmt, mit einem Academy Team durch.

Große Ziele für Fnatic Academy

Fnatics Ziel sei es, junge Spieler zu trainieren und somit eine neue eSports Generation zu ‚erschaffen‘. Dies gelang ihnen in den letzten Jahren mit Weltstar und AD Carry Martin ‚Rekkles‘ Larsson sehr gut. Das Lineup besteht aus drei ehemaligen Mitgliedern von PLATINRUSHH und aus 2 ehemaligen Spielern des deutschen EPS Teams Playing Ducks.

Fnatic über das neue Academy-Team

The Fnatic LoL Academy is back! Our goal with the Fnatic Academy programme is to train and develop young players into the next generation of stars. Since the projects inception in 2007, we have seen multiple up-and-coming players grow into the biggest Esports stars of today, including players like Rekkles and Harstem.

Today, we are pleased to announce that we have begun an exciting cooperation with a group of talented players that we believe are the perfect fit for our Academy. The team is made up of three members of the ex-PLATINRUSHH line up: Kektz, Scottlol and Noxiak. They will be joined by former Playing Ducks mid and jungle: Avenuee and XoYnUzi.
We’re confident they can achieve the goals they have set their sights on and qualify for the Challenger Series. The Academy and our LCS team will work together to practice and develop as a unit. Our intention is to create a new system that will allow us to draft Academy players into our LCS line up if a substitute is needed.

The future is very bright for these five players and we are very excited to have the chance to work with them. Join us in welcoming the new Fnatic Academy!

Lineup Fnatic Academy

Top Lane – Bor ‚Kektz‘ Jeršan
Jungle – Zhou ‚XoYnUzi‘ En Qiang
Mid Lane – Mustafa ‚avenuee‘ Atalay
AD Carry – Dominik ‚Scottlol‘ Blüche
Support – Lewis ‚NoXiAK‘ Felix

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