Nach der Verpflichtung von Midlaner Yasin ‚Nisqy‘ Dinçer und der Vertragsverlängerung von AD-Carry Kasper ‚Kobbe‘ Kobberup hat Splyce mit Andrei ‚Xerxe‘ Dragomir seinen dritten Spieler enthüllt. Xerxe ist vor allem aus seiner Zeit bei den Unicorns of Love bekannt, bei denen er sein LCS Debut ablieferte. Trotz seines Rookie-Status mauserte er sich schnell zu einem der Jungler in der europäischen Liga. Mit den Unicorns knapp an der Qualifikation zu den WCS 2017 vorbei geschrammt, will er mit Splyce nun hoch hinaus.
Statement Splyce
Xerxe is a player whose career I have personally followed since he played for Dark Passage in Turkey in Season 6. Despite being only 16 at the time, his intelligent jungle pathing and aggressive style immediately set him apart from other junglers in the region. Dark Passage won the TCL off this strong play, but due to his age he was not able to play at IWCQ (the precursor for World Championship play-ins) and his team underperformed as a direct result and failed to qualify for Worlds.
Although Xerxe had a solid Season 7 in the EU LCS, his team’s strategic decision to play early game without mid lane pressure and play primarily towards top lane heavily restricted Xerxe’s pathing flexibility (the single most important defining characteristic of what makes Xerxe stand out as a top jungler). At Splyce next year we will instead look to play towards these strengths, giving him the room he needs to be able to influence and control the early game for the team. I am excited to see what will result.
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