Natus Vincere beendet Teilnahme an der ECS

27.04.2016 11:24

imageDie kürzlich von Twitch und FACEIT ins Leben gerufene Liga Esports Championship Series, kurz ECS, welche mit einem Preisgeld von 3,5 Millionen US-Dollar in zwei Spielzeiten die Teams lockte, muss von nun an ohne das CIS-Team Natus Vincere auskommen. Das Team rund um Danylo ‚Zeus‘ Teslenko brauche eine Pause um die ganzen Reisestrapazen und vielen Turniere zu verkraften. Somit verzichtet die ukrainische Organisation an einer weiteren Teilnahme an der bestbezahltesten Liga in CS:GO.

Eugene ‚ugin‘ Erofeev, Manager:

Unfortunately, we have to withdraw from DreamHack Austin 2016 and ECS Season 1. Having weighed all the pros and cons, we came to the conclusion that the team needs to get some rest. We have taken part in many different tournaments – both online and offline – over a short period of time. This and some other factors tired out the guys, and that is why we had to make such a decision

Sergei ’starix‘ Ishchuk, Trainer:

It’s a shame that we have to miss such big LANs as DreamHack Austin 2016 and a debut season of ECS. However, the tiredness after many long-haul flights and immensely intense matches has been putting the pressure onto me, as well, although I am not a player. I hope that this pause will help us restore our energy and continue delighting fans with our great results in 2016.

Lineup Natus Vincere

Flagge Egor ‚flamiE‘ Vasilyev
Flagge Denis ’seized‘ Kostin
Flagge Danylo ‚Zeus‘ Teslenko
Flagge Ioann ‚Edward‘ Sukhariev
Flagge Ladislav ‚GuardiaN‘ Kovács
Flagge Sergei ’starix‘ Ishchuk (Trainer)
