Paukenschlag bei Ninjas in Pyjamas. Die schwedische Organisation gab am Dienstag bekannt, dass Richard ‚Xizt‘ Landström nicht mehr Teil des aktiven Lineups sein wird. Ersetzen wird ihn Dennis ‚dennis‘ Edman, der auch gleichzeitig die Rolle des Ingame-Leaders übernehmen wird. Dabei ist der ehemalige Fnatic- und GODSENT-Spieler sofort gefordert. In der ESL Pro League und bei der Intel Extreme Masters Katowice 2018 soll Edmann die Ninjas zurück zu alter Stärke führen.
I’m very excited to become the new in-game leader for NiP. It has been some time since I lead a team on this level and of this caliber, but I am ready to give it all I have and to play hearts out with my new team. With the new and the old blood in the team and the large organization behind, I’m positive that we can become what NiP once were, a world dominating CS:GO team. I am super excited about the next step in my career as a player!
We are happy to have completed the signing of Dennis „dennis” Edman. We know Dennis well from before, and the decision was done over the past weekend following a weak performance at cs_summit 2 in Los Angeles. We are happy to have an experienced player filling the shoes of Richard, as our team now consist of a mix of experience and the next generation of players. We are excited to see what Dennis can bring to our team and organization. Benching a player like Richard is one of the toughest decisions I have ever taken, but the well-being of Ninjas in Pyjamas and performance in games comes first as we set off to find new success. Richard, thank you for everything!

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