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Patch: Fatal Awakening 3.16

Izanami, die erste Jägerin des japanischen Pantheons, betritt mit diesem Patch das Schlachtfeld. Das Season Ticket erhält sein finales Update mit interessanten Inhalten und insgesamt vier Götter werden angepasst, darunter Erlang Shen und Hou Yi. Außerdem wurde die 3-Man Queue für Ranked Conquest (Eroberung) entfernt und einige Items angepasst.

Neuer Gott: Izanami

Passiv – Death Draws Nigh
Umso näher Izanami dem eigenen Tode ist, umso mächtiger wird sie. Izanami erhält 4 % physische Penetration je 15 % fehlender Lebensenergie, bis zu einem Maximum von 20 %.
Sickle Storm
Über 6 Sekunden wirft Izanami ihre Kama Sicheln noch schneller und wilder. Aktiviert, kehren diese nicht länger zurück zu ihre, verursachen jedoch 100 % ihres Basisschadens plus zusätzlichem Bonusschaden. Sie kann diese Fähigkeit erneut aktivieren, um ihre normalen Basisattacken zurückzuerhalten.
Spectral Projection
Izanami sendet eine demonisches selbst aus um Feinde anzugreifen, diese schädigt du verlangsamt alle Feinde auf ihrer Bahn. Wird ein Feind getötet während er von dieser Fähigkeit verlangsamt ist, wird der Verlangsamungseffekt der Fähigkeit permanent gesteigert, 6 % je Kill bis zu zwei Mal, bis zu einem Maximum von 30 %.
Fade Away
Izanami steigt in die Unterwelt und wird unsichtbar bevor sie ihre aktuelle Position verlässt. Das nutzen von Fähigkeiten oder einer Basisattacke macht sie sichtbar.

Dark Portal (Ultimate)

Izanami beschwört ein dunkles Portal, welches Schaden an allen Feinden in einem Bereich anrichtet und diese verstummen lässt.

Dark Matron Izanami

Neue Götterskins
Griffindwarf Fafnir 

Oktoberfest Nu Wa 

Bun Bun Nox 

Deathcap Sylvanus


Hoot ‘n Holler bacchus

Finales Season Ticket Update

Neuer Inhalt
  • Griffindwarf Fafnir
  • Adanas Announcer Pack
  • Prize Money Global Emote

„As discussed in our Mid-Season Ranked Update ( we have been closely evaluating aspects of our Ranked system and looking for things we can do to improve the experience for our players.
One of the points discussed was the impact that 3-man parties had on the health of Ranked Matchmaking. After reviewing the data we have gathered, we have found that overall the benefits of a 3-man queue don’t outweigh the negatives. Starting in the 3.16 patch, players will no longer be able to 3-man queue in Ranked Conquest. We are also going to be watching how this change affects Ranked Conquest before we make any changes to Ranked Joust.“

Ranked Conquest (Eroberung) kann nun nicht mehr als 3-Man Pre-Made Party gespielt werden.

„Phantom provided a powerful effect for individual players but when compared to other relics that could impact your team it felt lacking. We are moving it to be more team oriented by letting it affect allies, giving more choices to teams in which relics they want to bring to a fight.”

Cooldown erhöht von 140 Sekunden auf 180 Sekunden.
Der Effekt wird nun auch auf Alliierte in einem Radius von 35 Einheiten übertragen.
 Devine Ruin

„Divine Ruin provided a powerful effect but with the heavy cost of an item slot that would affect your final build. This often left players feeling bad for building what should be a powerful counter item. By increasing the Magical Power provided by this item, players now feel better about counter building on mages.”

Erhöhter magische Kraft von 50 auf 65.

 Magi’s Blessing

„Magi’s Blessing should be a good option for players who want to build to counter heavy Crowd Control teams but its cost is often restrictive for the protection it provided. By reducing the cost of Magi’s Blessing, players should find themselves more likely to build this against the right enemies.”

Reduzierte Kosten von 2350 auf 2150.

 Pythagorem’s Piece

„Pythagorem’s Piece is a situational item that becomes a powerful choice when your team can make use of the aura. Reducing the cost and shifting more of the power to the aura will better reward players who find these opportunities.”

Reduzierte Kosten von 2600 auf 2400.
Reduzierter magische Kraft von 70 auf 60.
Magische Kraft der Aura erhöht von 20 auf 30.
Magischer Lifesteal der Aura erhöht von 10 % auf 15 %.

 Spectral Armor

„Spectral Armor was often too expensive for Support players to build when compared to items like Breastplate of Valor for cooldown reduction. By reducing the cost, Spectral Armor will have an easier time fitting into Relic oriented build.”

Reduzierte Kosten von 2100 auf 1900.


„Witchblade is meant to be a great tool for slowing down Physical damage dealers but was often not providing enough to be used outside of nice scenarios. With an additional 15 Physical Protections, Witchblade will be a more solid anti-physical choice.”

Erhöhte physische Verteidigung von 45 auf 60.


Erlang Shen

„Pin provides Erlang Shen with a powerful tool in both wave clear and teamfight presence. At 12 seconds, Pin was coming up too often and leaving enemy players feeling disadvantaged through most of the fight. By increasing Pin’s cooldown to 16 seconds, players should have an easier time finding gaps in Erlang Shen’s utility to properly punish him.”

Pin: Cooldown erhöht von 12 Sekunden auf 16 Sekunden.

„Fafnir has certainly grown into his role as a Guardian since his release. As we have seen more and more of what he is capable of, a few things stand out as being a bit too potent. Endless Greed was often providing too much gold and protections making Fafnir more difficult to defeat than most other Guardians. Additionally, Coerce is too powerful of an ability for objective clear, teamfight damage, and self healing for its cooldown time. By reducing the effectiveness of Endless Greed and Coerce, we expect Fafnir to be in a more reasonable spot.”

Endless Greed (Passive): Bonusgold reduziert von 4 auf 2.
Coerce: Cooldown erhöht von 13 Sekunden auf 15 Sekunden.

Hou Yi

„Hou Yu is seeing a power shift this patch to address his performance at the highest end of play while also maintaining his core strengths. Mark of the Golden Crow was often putting a timer on the game, that when reached, allowed Hou Yi to become very difficult to box. We have removed the 25% penetration and reduced the duration of the mark to reduce some of this power, while also opening up a window where Mark would be down allowing for counterplay. To adjust for this change, Ricochet is seeing an increase to its base damage and scaling, allowing it to be more potent when not paired with his Mark. We have also adjusted the bonus damage per Ricochet so that it should closely match its current strength across a variety of Physical Power. We will watch these changes closely to see how it affects both his pro level performance as well as his general usability.”

Ricochet: Basisschaden erhöht von 70/110/150/190/230 auf 75/120/165/210/255.
Schadens-Scaling erhöht von 60 % auf 65 %.
Bonusschaden je Ricochet verringert von 50 % auf 40 %.
Mark of the Golden Crow: Der Bonus von 25 % Penetration auf Level 5 der Fähigkeit wurde entfernt.
Die Fähigkeit deckt nun auf allen Leveln markierte Ziele auf.
Dauer reduziert von 15 Sekunden auf 10 Sekunden.


„Sylvanus is a powerful pick when it comes to team utility, but without the ability to apply constant pressure, he has been overshadowed by other Guardian pics. We are looking to increase some of his utility and potency with these changes.”

Verdant Growth
Erhöhter Schaden von 80/100/120/140/160 auf 80/120/160/200/240.
Erhöhte Verteidigung durch die Fähigkeit von 5/10/15/20/25 auf 10/15/20/25/30.
Nature’s Grasp
Cooldown reduziert von 22/21/20/19/18s auf 20/19/18
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