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StarCraft 2

Team Expert verlängert mit Koreaner ByuN

imageDie deutsche Organisation Team Expert hat den auslaufenden Vertrag mit dem koreanischen Spieler Byeon Hyeon ‚ByuN‘ Woo um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert. Das gab die Organisation auf ihrer Internetpräsenz bekannt. Nachdem der 23-Jährige im Oktober letzten Jahres als Champion der Global StarCraft League zur deutschen Organisation wechselte, konnte er sowohl die WCS Global Finals, als auch die World Cyber Arena gewinnen. 

Statement Byeon Hyeon ‚ByuN‘ Woo

I was more than happy when I was told that Team expert is interested in extending my contract. Team expert is the team I want to stay with and them reaching out again to me to extend our partnership is flattering. For me it shows how much my team trusts in my abilities and I will continue to make up for it with great results.

Statement Uwe Semtner, CEO

Since I met Byeon in person at IEM Katowice I am absolutely convinced that he is a perfect fit for Team expert. I am more than happy that he has the same view about our partnership and I will make sure he feels Team expert as a second home and family.

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