Team Gyrations – NintendudeX gründet sein eigenes Team

13.06.2014 19:01

imageNachdem Team Coast den Gang aus der LCS NA antreten musste, gab auch Joshua ‚NintendudeX‘ Atkins bekannt, dass er fortan nur noch als Ergänzungsspieler zur Verfügung stehen werde. Vor drei Tagen teilte er dann via Facebook mit, dass er in Zukunft mit seinem eigenen Team in der Kluft der Beschwörer sein Unwesen treiben werde. Zunächst sind jedoch keine Teilnahmen an großen Turnieren etc. geplant.

Statement von NintendudeX:

For those of you who are wondering what I’ve been up to team-wise, i recently created a team, which we will be naming Team Gyrations. The roster will consist of myself, Yusui, KEITHMCBRIEF, catrific rules (better known as AdrianxKelsey), and Bee Sin.
Just kinda playing ranked 5s lately and feeling each other out. Not gonna set the bar too high at first, but I’m glad to say that I’m playing with another really talented group of guys.
I am also finally taking the bull by the horns and working to become a good shotcaller. I have 5 years worth of LoL knowledge and that combined with being a jungler I want to finally take the steps i should have a long time ago to truly become a leader.
Will hopefully start streaming about one week from now, after i upgrade my internet!
Love you guys, 
-The Dude

Jonas Bugaj