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Team verliert CS:GO-Lineup

imageNach dem Wechselchaos in Europa zum Ende des ersten Monats des neuen Jahres, geht es nun zu Beginn des Februars weiter. Das Lineup von Team hat beschlossen, die Organisation zu verlassen. Das Lineup rund um Richard ’shox‘ Papillon zeigte zuletzt sehr gute Leistungen. Bei den MLG X Games Aspen vor einer Woche konnten sie sich nach einem Sieg gegen die Ninjas in Pyjamas den Titel in Aspen, Colorado holen.

Das französische Lineup soll angeblich ein besseres Angebot seitens einer anderen Organisation erhalten haben. Worum es sich dabei handelt, wird in der kommenden Woche bekannt gegeben.

Update: Der Wechsel zu Team EnVyUS wurde offiziell bestätigt.

Statement Anthony Rabby – Manager

Created in September 2014, our Team-LDLC CS:GO imposed themselves among the best teams in the world. Our players flew the flag of our structure on the highest podium steps and reached the top with their wins at Dreamhack Winter 2014 and at the Winter X-Games.

As any team that stands out, they have recently received a subsequent proposal from overseas that, despite our efforts, we could not compete with.

Consequently, we are sorry to announce the departure of Vincent « Happy » Cervoni, Richard « shox » Papillon, Fabien « kioShiMa » Fiey, Nathan « NBK » Schmitt and Edouard « SmithZz » Dubourdeaux.

We support our players in their decision and wish them to continue their rise. Team has always aimed at keeping the Counter-Strike scene going and does not intend to step down from competition. The entire structure will take benefit of this change to discover new talents once again.

Statement Nathan ‚NBK‘ Schmitt – ex-Spieler

During the French scene shuffle, our objective was to reach the highest level in CS:GO. We gathered the player to fullfil this goal, and Team-LDLC was able to give us everything we needed to focus 100% on the game.

We developped a very good relationship with the directors of the project, and it is with many thanks that we leave the adventure today. We received all the support and the means to grind higher and higher, while giving us a complete liberty in and out of the game. We also had the chance to be coached by MoMaN, an unique guy who was able to give the team a real alchemy, helping us through many tough choices, and giving us the tools to step up from tough situations. It is obvious to say that they had a big role in our success, and we are proud that we were able to share all these moments with them.

However, we decided to have a fresh air and starting a new adventure in another project, after a fiew days of negociations. On behalf of my 4 teammates and myself, I would like to thank once again Team-LDLC for their support, and I wish them the best for all the projects they will be a part of within eSports in the future!


Flagge Nathan ‚NBK‘ Schmitt
Flagge Richard ’shox‘ Papillon
Flagge Vincent ‚Happy‘ Cervoni
Flagge Fabien ‚KIOSHIMA‘ Fiey
Flagge Edouard ‚SmithZz‘ Dubourdeaux
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