United Masters League angekündigt

15.11.2018 14:46

Ab dem 19. November wird die europäische CS:GO-Landschaft um eine Liga reicher sein. Unikrn und ChallengeMe haben am Donnerstag die neue United Masters League angekündigt. Unter den 14 Teilnehmern, werden auch vier deutsche Teams sein: EURONICS Gaming, expert eSports, Sprout und ALTERNATE aTTaX. Insgesamt wird um ein Preisgeld von 290.000 US-Dollar gespielt.

Das Turnier läuft über drei Phasen. Vom 19. November bis 21. Dezember wird die Round Robin Fall 2018 stattfinden. Vom 7. Januar bis 8. Februar findet die Round Robin Winter 2019 ausgespielt. Die Finals, welche Offline ausgetragen werden, finden vom 29. bis 31. März in der M7M Esport Factory in Osnabrück statt.

Teilnehmer United Masters League

X6tence Galaxy
Expert eSports
Red Reserve
Vexed Gaming

Statement expert eSports

First of all I’d like to point out how happy we are to be part of this new approach that in my eyes will lead to a more sustainable esports ecosystem. UML is the first league that has shown the necessary foresight to be attractive for both, teams and the sponsors being involved in the esports industry. We are thrilled for the season to start and hope for a great competition!

Statement EURONICS Gaming

We are, of course, very happy and grateful about the invitation for this new project. Let’s see if it will establish itself and can become an integral part of the esports landscape for us and other teams. It’s also great to see that not just one German team got the opportunity to participate, so we all get the chance to prove ourselves with international teams. We are going to take all the time we have got to prepare for the league in a thorough manner. For the future, of course, it would be desirable if teams and organizations would approach their work more professionally. Currently some teams fail in their ambitions but also the organizations need more financial support to keep their project alive.


Our main goal is to compete in leagues with international teams. We hope that this improves our gameplay and gives us insights into the international scene. That’s why we decided to play here. I’m pretty sure that, because of the team selection, we won’t have a big disparity skill-wise, so we can focus more on the tactical aspect of the game to beat our opponents. I’d say that we still lack a certain degree of professionalism on the part of the cups and leagues. We are happy and looking forward to good and exciting matches in this new league!

Statement Sprout

We have decided to participate in the UML because of its solid structure and serious approach as well as the respected team behind the event. We believe that great attention to small details make a highlight of this project. Also, the introduction of the UnikoinGold bring some fresh specifics to the league. Sprout Esports is eager to participate in the league and show our strength and classy CS:GO plays.

Jonas Bugaj