Diamondprox verlässt Gambit Gaming – Rückkehr zu UoL ausgeschlossen

26.04.2016 11:53

imageWie Gambit Gaming gestern auf ihrer Internetpräsenz verkündete, wird Danil ‚Diamondprox‘ Reshetnikov das Team verlassen. Auch eine Rückkehr zu seinem alten Arbeitgeber Unicorns of Love ist ausgeschlossen, da es ihn in Richtung NA ziehen wird, wie die Einhörner auf Facebook verlauteten. Für Gambit Gaming, wo man sich gute Chancen auf die Qualifikation zu den Worlds über das IWC Turnier erhofft, beginnt nun die Suche nach einem neuen Jungler. 

Statement Alexei ‚LeX‘ Chitac, AD Carry Gambit Gaming:

Of course, we are very sad to see Diamond leave, but on the other hand, we are really glad for him. Now our main goal is not to forget all the experience and knowledge that we acquired during the Spring split. We feel great responsibility on our shoulders, and we will do our best not to disappoint our fans. Diamond turned out to be not only world-class player, but also a very cool and fun guy, and I enjoyed playing and communicating with him a lot. Good luck to him in his new team! I hope that we will be seeded into different groups at Worlds.

Statement Unicorns of Love:

Unicorns !
It is with a very heavy heart that we announce that Diamondprox will not come back to Unicorns of Love.
We have been working hard on several options, and they are either extremly expensive, or commiting him too much regarding his long term life decisions.
We truly treasure every moment we can spend with our Unicorns – in Diamond’s case, we have learned so much from his experience and his dedication. Danil has been an incredible friend, a positive mind, an extremly skilled player and a loyal colleague.
We had a short but awesome time with Diamondprox, and totally respect his will to now go to NA, where they can deliver the required VISA to play.
We are 6 weeks before the LCS Summer Split first BO2 – and things are moving.
Our roster will experience some changes -more details about it soon to come.
Thank you Danil, and good luck for your next steps „smile“-Emoticon
Love and Mother Russia,
Sheepy & Khagneur

Jonas Bugaj