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League of Legends

Erste Lebenszeichen bei Rogue: Edward übernimmt die Rolle des Assistant Coach

Auch bei Rogue scheint sich endlich etwas zu regen. Als erster Teil des Teams wurde Edward ‚Edward‘ Abgaryan enthüllt. Edward übernimmt die Rolle des Assistant Coaches. Der 24-Jährige ist vor allem aus seiner Zeit bei Gambit Gaming bekannt. Früher unter dem Namen GoSu Pepper, war er darüber hinaus Teil der Korean Slayer Moscow Five. Zuletzt konnte Edward vor allem regionale Erfolge feiern. In der LCL sicherte er sich zusammen mit Gambit Esports mehrere Titelgewinne.

Statement Edward ‚Edward‘ Abgaryan

This offseason was one of the hardest for me in terms of making a decision. I spent a couple weeks thinking about my situation non-stop with countless sleepless nights.

I received a lot of offers to continue playing and I still enjoyed playing. I realized that I could keep on playing as long as my passion for the game was there but I knew I had to take the next step in life and move forward. After leaving the EU LCS because of work visa issues in 2015, I joined LCL (Russian League) and played one year for Vega Squadron and one and a half years for Gambit Gaming. My role was the team captain and shotcaller for both teams. During that time, I took on a few coaching tasks and enjoyed talking with my teammates about the game to help them understand the game deeper and better. I could always see the result of my work and this influenced my decision to become a coach. I’m confident that I will be a good players coach one day. Thanks to Rogue I have the opportunity now to learn this new role and gain experience as an Assistant Coach.

I hope that all of my fans and people who followed my playing career will keep supporting me in my new role and will start cheering for my new team!

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