In einem TwitLonger-Post erklärte Martin ‚STYKO‘ Styk vom Team HellRaisers am Mittwoch seine Entscheidung, sein Studium auf Eis zu legen und Vollzeit CS:GO zu spielen. Der Slowake habe während seiner Zeit an der Hochschule wenig Flexibilität seitens der Lehrenden erfahren und sich daher im zweiten Jahr des Wirtschaftsstudiums entschieden, dem Vorbild seiner Teamkameraden, die alle Vollzeitspieler seien, zu folgen. Mit den HR erreichte der 20-Jährige beim ELEAGUE Major den letzten Rang.
Statement Martin ‚STYKO‘ Styk:
[…] Basically, all I did was wake up, spend 6 hours in school, run home, practice (or play officials) for 6 hours and after practice (midnight usually) I had few hours to do assigmnets to school. I have no idea when I slept lol.
[…] Anyway, despite OK marks I did swing to second year with troubles. I get unbelievable spams from teachers and professors about my absurd absence because of all LAN tournaments we had and when I tried to explain they just shut the door while looking at me with most desperate face they could pull. „So you travel and play PC games right? pff…“
[…] Thats why I decided to give up thing I truly love (economics) to pursuit career of what I truly adore (CS:GO). It was inevitable. My school does not support any individual study plan. I am no longer student and I decided it is the best option for me to focus fully on my team.

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