Nun sind die Gerüchte offiziell. Wie mousesports am Donnerstag offiziell bekannt gab, werden Özgür ‚woxic‚ Eker, Finn ‚Karrigan‚ Andersen und David ‚Frozen‘ Čerňanský ab sofort das Trikot der Mäuse überstreifen. Ebenso wird Chris ‚chrisJ‚ de Jong wieder Teil des aktiven Lineups. Die Leidtragenden dieser Situation sind Tomáš ‚oskar‚ Štastný und Miikka ‚suNny‚ Kemppi. Während der Vertrag des Tschechen aufgelöst wird, bleibt suNny erstmal Teil der Organisation. Auf Twitter gab oskar bereits bekannt, dass er ab sofort Free Agent ist und eine neue Organisation sucht.
Mit dem neuen Lineup wolle man wieder zurück in die Spur finden und setzt dabei vor allem auf Spieler, die besonders motiviert sind für diese Organisation zu spielen. Vor allem mit Blick auf die ESL One Cologne und das Major in Berlin wolle man ein Zeichen setzen und sich international wieder etablieren.
The lineup consist of a very good mix of young and experienced players, most important is the chemistry between players, which is really good. With good chemistry, hardworking players and right mentality you can go very far, which is our main goal during 2019. The first days with these guys have been awesome, I hope that it will show in the coming months how we improve as a team.
Finn ‚Karrigan‘ Andersen
I think this is the right combination to start climbing the CS:GO ranks. I’ve played with Karrigan in a team before and I’m confident he can help shape this team and show the star potential of woxic and frozen. I’m happy to be part of this group and even though the last few months have been disappointing I hope the fans still stand by mousesports and me. Right now it’s time to work hard and that is exactly what we will do, as we start from scratch. We will need your support now more than ever and we will do everything to make you proud to be a mousesports fan once again.
Chris ‚chrisJ‘ de Jong
We want to go back to a team that is highly motivated and eager to play for this organization. A team with great chemistry and the will to work hard towards our common goal. Together we want to leave our mark in this very important period with two huge events in our home country and beyond. I couldn’t be happier with our new team and I am very confident in their abilities. I hope you will all continue to support us in 2019 and let’s turn this into a memorable season together.
Stefan Wendt (CEO)
Lineup mousesports
Finn ‚Karrigan‘ Andersen
Chris ‚chrisJ‘ de Jong
Özgür ‚woxic‘ Eker
Robin ‚ropz‚ Kool
David ‚Frozen‘ Čerňanský

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