Wie Team ROCCAT heute via Facebook verkündete, wird man sich von AD Carry Pierre „Steeelback” Medjaldi trennen. Der französische Spieler, der erst seit Mai diesen Jahres ein Teil von Team ROCCAT war, gab aber bereits an, dass er auch 2017 auf der europäischen Bühne spielen werde. Welches Trikot sich der junge Franzose in Zukunft überstreifen wird, soll bereits in den nächsten Tagen verkündet werden. Gerüchten zu Folge soll Steelback mit Origen oder Vitality liebäugeln.
Statement Pierre ‚Steeelback‘ Medjaldi:
Hello everyone! As you may already know, I’m no longer part of Team ROCCAT. This Summer Split of course didn’t go as planned and we’ve been forced to play Up & Down, which is something nobody wants, quite the contrary. Despite this difficult period, I’d like to warmly thank the whole staff from Team ROCCAT as well as my teamates for all the hard work done during the past months. For me, every adventure, even a complicated one like this one, allows to grow and gain experience as a player. In fact, I think I discovered new abilities, in particular being more impactful in the team and becoming a leader. I would also like to thank all of you for your ongoing support, your messages really helped me all along the season. Regarding 2017, I can already tell that I’ll be staying in Europe. I’ve been playing for a lot of teams during my career, but I really hope that I am going to stay there for a long time. I want to build something strong to be able to compete on the world’s stage next year and I’ll do everything possible to achieve that goal. My new team will be announced soon and I really hope that you’ll be as excited as I am for that new challenge. Until then I’ll be streaming as much as possible. Stay tuned and follow me on social media to know when I go live.
Fotoquelle: Riot Games via Flickr

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