Soeben erreichte uns die zweite Meldung in kurzer Zeit aus dem Hause Dignitas: Gestern verlor das dänische Team sein Lineup, da die Spieler den Vertrag nicht verlängert haben und ab Anfang Februar für Team SoloMid spielen werden. Nun, kurze Zeit später, verkündete Dignitas, dass sie bereits einen Tag später ein neues Lineup gefunden haben.
Das ehemalige Team von den Copenhagen Wolves, mit Unterstützung des ex-Dignitas-Spielers Henrik ‚FeTiSh‘ Christensen wird den Counter Strike-Bereich von Dignitas ab sofort repräsentieren.
Statement Jacob ‚Pimp‘ Winneche
Today we’re more than thrilled to announce that we will team up with Team Dignitas in order to reach our 2015 goals as a CS:GO team! We’re also proud to announce that our new 5th player is Fetish, a former Team Dignitas Captain who said yes to our offer to play with us. We have been playing together for a couple of weeks now, and we already have made huge progress both in the game, as well as outside the game. We have already showed a small glimpse of what we’re capable off, beating strong CS:GO teams, and we will only aim to improve from those experiences!
Luckily for us, Team Dignitas believes in us and what we’re trying to accomplice, and the team and I really hope this will be a long and succesful journey together with Team Dignitas, towards becoming a great CS:GO team.
Lineup Team Dignitas

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