Das Lineup war bereits fertig, doch hatte 2016 für die Unicorns of Love noch eine böse Überraschung parat. Kim ‚Veritas‘ Kyoung-min meldete sich aus seiner Heimat Südkorea, mit dem Wunsch in diese zurückzukehren. Er habe Heimweh, vermisse seine Freunde und Familie und möchte absofort wieder in der koreanischen LCK spielen. Sein Nachfolger wird Samuel ‚Samux‘ Fernandez Fort, der sich nach einigen hektischen Tagen die freigewordene Position des AD-Carry sichern konnte.
Statement Unicorns of Love
Unicorns ! First of all : we wish you a great year 2017, full of success and happiness. May the power of love be with you and may your horns shine bright as a diamond! 7 days ago, right after Christmas, we had a call with our botlaner Kyoungmin „Veritas“ Kim, currently back in Korea. He expressed his desire to stay home and not to continue any further the adventure with us. He feels homesick and misses his friends, his family and overall a Korean environment. According to that, he doesn’t want to play in Europe anymore, and is leaving the team. He will keep playing in Korea, with a Korean team. We are sad we were not able to help Veritas. It’s also pity he warned us so late about his intentions. After a lot of emergency brainstorming with the rest of the team, and some last minute training with different players, we managed to find Veritas‘ successor on time. Our new ADC for 2017, locking our full European roster, will be the Spanish marksman Samuel „Samux“ Fernandez Fort. He is a hard working guy and seems to fit right into our team atmosphere. We played with him previously, and he showed really promising stuff! We are excited to start Spring Split 2017 with a new strong line up and begin a new adventure. Let’s kick asses. Love and botlane, Sheepy & Khagneur

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